Thursday, October 14, 2010

A very cool website

I'm not sure just exactly how this popped up on my screen, and as usual I was just going to X it out but I actually took a look at it and it is very cool. The website is It covers everything; relationship, parenting, entertainment, recipes, pets, and more.

I was, of course, interested in the relationship stuff. I am always looking for ways to improve my relationship with my boyfriend. I don't ever want it to become too much of a rut or mundane. I came across two very cool ideas. One was about how to flatter your man. The one that stood out to me is to praise him in public. I know we all do at home, or we should, but I can't really remember doing it in public often, I did the other day, he helped a lady with a stalled car push it out of the middle of the street and that day I did praise him in public. The lady said thank you and I said oh, he does this all the time. But I could see the smile on his face when I said that, so that I plan on doing more often, saying very nice stuff about him in public.

Another thing that I really thought was cool was something about a 2 minute rule. Each person gets a turn, though not on the same day. Say he is going first, you sit behind him and put your arms around his middle and hold him close. He is facing away from you. He then has 2 minutes to say whatever he wants or needs to. Then when the 2 minutes are up, you say nothing and you are done. They say that with you facing away from your partner, but still being held by your partner, you feel safer in saying what is really important. And the fact that your partner can't debate you or say anything back lets them know that what they say won't be refuted immediately. Each person should have a chance at least once a week, on different days. That really makes sense to me, and I plan on trying it.

But that is only a itty bitty tiny fraction of what is on that website. I could have spent hours on it. Like I said it has something for everything and everyone. It really is an amazing site, I've already sent the link to several of my women friends. There is no one that can say they never need help, and sometimes you just can't talk to a girlfriend face-to-face, and sometimes you want help but you don't feel comfortable asking anyone, well, I bet you could find it on this website.

So when you have some free time, or have a worry you want to investigate, I'd give this website a shot. I know it gave me some wonderful suggestions.

Again its:

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