Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have been having trouble finding it. I enjoy my writing, I enjoy my blogging, but just haven't been as motivated as I was at the beginning. Like I said before I am one of those types of people who are all gung ho about something, then slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) it slips away and it becomes forgotten. Of course later I will say, now why did I stop doing such and such? That is why I am trying so hard to keep on this blog and get back to my writing.

I wish I could get some feedback from my blog. I have no idea if I am just writing this for myself, or if someone, when they see a card of mine, picks it up and actually looks at my blog. So here is what I am going to do. Here is my email address: flyingupward@yahoo.com.
If you pick up my card and read this blog because of it, I'd like to know.

And I would like your ideas on keeping oneself motivated. I found that when I made myself a schedule I did pretty good at keeping it. Maybe I need to refresh that. But I am such a tv watcher. I just LOVE tv, I need to drop a lot of that, and believe me the shows I watch are not learning shows, unless I want to learn on how not to be a ho! And I have passed that stage in my life so I don't need those shows.

I just got a lot of books from the library on creative writing and grammar. Maybe if I look at it like a class I am taking, spend so much each day and night on it. And maybe on the weekends do like my boyfriend suggested and take my laptop and go to a coffee house. Though last time I did that I did a no no and brought along my Desperate Housewife DVD's needless to say, no writing got done.

So motivation, I read last night, in Cosmo, that if you want to do something, that a good way to get it into your head and get you to do it is to think about it 30 minutes before you go to sleep. So I'll try that tonight, just before I go to sleep I'll take out my grammar books and notepad and study about my writing. Then hopefully I'll wake up motivated to write.

I wish I knew of a way to ask all of you what is the best way you motivate yourself?? The exchange of ideas can be motivating. How else could I motivate myself.

I think motivation is not a one thing fits all deal. What is amazing to one person would make another person nuts. But one never knows until they have at least listened to it. So I think I am going to my favorite place - the internet - and see what I can find.

And if you read this, you have my email address so please email me what you think.


  1. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  2. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  3. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  4. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  5. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  6. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  7. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  8. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB


  9. I think I can be the direction you are looking for. I also know you make me feel whole when you serve me as my SUB

