Thursday, October 21, 2010


I went into Walmart yesterday to return an item and the lady at the front door had to tag it and she asked me, is it the 20th already. I said yep. It hit us both this month is almost over and then 2010 only has 2 more months. I remember the beginning of the year, wasn't just a month or so ago??

I remember as a kid thinking that summer would last forever, it seemed like it then, but now as I get older time seems to be flying by. How can we get it to slow down. I tell myself, I can't, each day will continue to roll by. Then I think, but have I accomplished what I wanted to this year and I am proud to say that yes, mostly I have. My writing still leaves some to be desired, but I am refocusing on that.

And then I also tell myself, there is always next year, it will be here soon. But I catch myself in that thought and think to myself, no, there are no guarantees about tomorrow. We have to take each day that is given us and do our best to make it the best. And the days that we don't succeed in doing that, just be more determined to do it the next day.

My biggest flaw, and I am sure my boyfriend would agree, is that I do tend to react quickly to things that irritate me. So I am not going to wait until New Year's 2011 to make resolutions. I am going to make them and (try to) keep them every day. I find that if I write down my goals for now and the future I am more apt to follow them through. I have a movie to watch tonight, but I have decided to spend my weekend with my writing. Now just to have the follow through! Wish me luck!

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