Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Making the right decision

Making the right decision isn't always easy, isn't always the popular one, and isn't always the fun one, but once you make it all the stars seem to fall into place.

I made a hard decision a couple of weeks back and each and everyday tells me in some way or other that I have done the right thing. I am more happy and more relaxed than I have been in a long time.

Making the right decision is very important, no matter your age. When you are young it is up to your parents to make the right decisions for you so when the time comes and you have to make the decisions, you will know what the right decisions are.

Like I said, sometimes they aren't easy to make, or the most popular one, or isn't the funnest one. But that is of no matter, it is crucial to every step in your life to make the right decision.

When you are in school and you see your friends or school mates doing something silly (or stupid) and they get a big laugh you may think why can't I do it? The wise thing to do at this moment would be to ask yourself the crucial questions. Will my parents be proud of me if I do this? Will my teachers admire me for this? And here is the big one... What are the consequences of this action?

You have to be honest with yourself, completely honest when you answer these questions and if the answer to any of those questions is no, that makes that a bad decision to make.

Bad decisions can impact us for many, many years. And the younger you are that can work out to be a LONG time.

Everyone needs to work toward being known for making the right decisions. The world would have so much more peace if that were the case with everyone. Maybe you cannot make an impact on the war now, but you can make an impact on someone you love. If you make the right decision you will score big points. The wrong decision will not only get you in trouble, but it will make it harder for people to trust you.

And if you really think about it, sometimes the decisions only take split seconds, others take longer to figure out, but whatever time will be needed to be put into that decision, take it. Stop and think about what you are thinking of doing. Weigh the good things about it and the bad things. You know what is right, so do it.

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