Monday, October 11, 2010


This weekend something happened, that before I would have used as an excuse to give up. All last week I was typing on my story. When I went to work on it at home it came up that my file was corrupted. I was upset, but thought maybe because I was using Open Office at home and Word at work that might have something to do with it. Got it to work and nope, still corrupted.

And the first thing I thought was forget it. I was so proud of what I had written, I thought it was very well written and how could I do that again? Then I thought to myself, I'm good at that, letting frustration stop me from doing something that is either important or good for me. And this writing is both. So I am not going to let it stop me.

Frustrations can be dangerous, they can stop a person from doing what needs to be done and they give up. Relationships are one thing that, if you aren't careful, frustrations can mess up.

If you focus on what frustrates you most about your partner, friend, coworker, etc. you can end up giving up and losing something or someone that potentially could be very important to you.

I have a super good boyfriend. Does he frustrate me? Oh yes he does and I know I do him. But he and I have realized that those things that frustrate us are not life and death. And if he was perfect, how boring would life be. :)

So instead of frustrations being a roadblock, look at them as learning lessons on what NOT to do in the future. I learned with my writing to save it in more than one place and different ways and to always double check.

With my relationship frustrations I have learned, is it really that big a deal. Is it hurting me as a person, or do I just not like it? If it is no big deal both he and I are learning to just let it go.

So when you hit a frustration don't let it set you back, or get you down (for too long) or make you stop something that you really want to do. Look at it for a lesson and then take that lesson in and let the frustration go.

Onward and always upward!

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