Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Up up and away!

Now I have no idea why I named this blog this, nor do I really know what I am going to say. How silly am I? I am sure inspiration will strike - I hope. :)

Today has been a good day, again the weather here in Vegas has been beautiful and with the sun shining and the warm - not hot - air blowing, you can't help but smile.

I guess I'll write about smiles. Smiles are very important. They are free and usually very easy to give away. And what is very cool is that chances are when you give away a smile you'll get one in return.

I remember shortly after I came to Vegas and I was on my own. Didn't have much money and some days wasn't real sure where my next meal was coming from, but somehow God always provided for me, I'd be strolling down the strip and singing and humming to myself a smile on my face and I got so many smiles back. That just totally reinforced my good mood. And on the days I wasn't feeling on top of the world, seeing someone just smile at me for no reason, certainly made me feel better.

I am of the mind that smiling (and laughter) is the best medicine. Even when you answer the phone, if you have a smile on your face, the person on the other end of the phone can actually hear it.

Yes, life has it low points, we can't prevent or circumvent all of them, but no matter what, I do believe that if you give a smile a try, it just might help you and others.

So from me to you here is my smile :)

I wish you all the very best of day and commission you with the task to take your smile and go out and make someone else's day!

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