Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Everything Happens For a Reason

Boy did I get that lesson schooled to me yesterday!

I was tired and wanted to go straight home from work, but I had an overdue movie from the library and had to return it. So I went to the library, returned my movie and books and picked up another movie and went back to my car, ready to hop in and drive off home. Well, my car had other ideas! For the past few weeks for some reason the gear shift would get stuck in park. But all I had to do was go to the back of the car and rock it a bit and all would be well. Until last night. It would not get out of park. I tried rocking and shifting until I was so frustrated I was yelling in the car at my Higher Power, why was He doing this to me? I was having such a great start for 2011, 2011 is my banner year, why is this happening?

Of course I called my best bud beverly and she puts on her superwoman cape and comes to my rescue. Which, at this point, I thought would be a ride home and I'd get to figure out how to get the bus from home to work. Ugh!!!!

When beverly showed up she said 'I have triple A, let's call them for a tow.' Bless her heart, she'd use up one of her tows on me. She is a very good friend. So she gets a tow truck on the way and we go into the library to wait. We get to sit and chat and have nice conversation. Then the tow truck man comes.

Here is Superman John from Larry's Towing. He gets into the car and tries to get it into gear, no go. So I am resigned to having a transmission to repair and no money to do it with.

Then Superman John fiddles with the key then slip! the car goes into gear. He puts it in neutral, starts the car and then into reverse. There is a trick to this! And he shows me how and now I know the trick. (It turns out it is just the shift lock - not transmission - another Thank You!) Of course I grab beverly and give her the biggest hug and thank Superman John over and over and over and over.

Now that all is well again, I hop in my car and off I go home. And now it hits me!! If I had gone straight home and the car did this the next morning I wouldn't have called beverly, she wouldn't have said to get it towed, and Superman John wouldn't have shown me the trick. I'd be stuck at home with a car that I would have been in despair over.

So it is a good thing that things happened the way they did. But at the beginning of it all I didn't see it. I railed at my Higher Power, but boy was I doing some apologizing on the way home.

So when you are in a situation that seems to be all against you, wait before you lose it. There is a reason it is happening this way. You may not know why as quickly as I did, but eventually I bet the reasoning behind it all will come to you. Then, like me, you'll feel foolish for getting all upset about it all.

Yes, some trials are harder and longer than others, but everything that happens, happens for a reason.

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